Here at Cedar Hill in historic Windsor, Vermont, we understand how difficult it can be to approach your aging loved one or parents about their assisted living facilities options. It’s not uncommon for your loved one to feel hesitant or to be uncomfortable at first with the idea of independent senior living. But this is where our long-term care facility professional can help: by providing some ways to help your parents see Cedar Hill as a comfortable place to call home.
Read through our tips below and contact us today to schedule a tour!
Before you fully introduce the idea of looking into assisted living facilities with your loved one, it is important to ask about and understand their fears and concerns. Talking to your aging parent about what he or she is worried about and what makes them feel uncertain about independent senior living is key to understanding how you can help alleviate these fears. Showing empathy and understanding will help him or her feel more comfortable with their decision.
Before you begin looking into options for long-term care facilities in Vermont, take the time to talk to your loved one about individual needs, preferences, and concerns. This will help you understand what kind of care he or she may need and what type of facility would work best. Cedar Hill, for example, offers a variety of assisted living options including respite care, rehabilitation services, memory care, and more.
There are many different benefits your loved one can experience while living in our Cedar Hill assisted living facility. You can help him or her embrace the idea of calling one of our independent senior living apartments home by talking specifically about the amenities and services that are available.
On behalf of our Cedar Hill Continuing Care Community , we are excited to offer tours of our long-term care facilities for prospective clients and families. Our team can help your parents or other aging loved ones feel more comfortable with the idea of moving in by showing you everything there is to see at our assisted living facilities. Contact us today to schedule a tour and let us help you make an informed decision!
By following these tips, you can help your loved one embrace our Cedar Hill assisted living facilities and make the transition easier for them. With the right support and understanding, we can create a positive experience for your loved one!
The post How to Help Your Loved One Embrace Assisted Living appeared first on Cedar Hill Continuing Care Community.