Giving a gift to a friend or family member who has moved into a Senior Living Community can be a bit tricky. The “usual” gifts – such as perfumes, flowers, or food – can actually impact the medical conditions of your loved one or their neighbors. And with space at a premium, any new knick knack needs to be carefully considered, must serve a purpose (sometimes more than one!) and take up as little room as possible.
We’ve gotten a lot of questions from family members about what type of gifts would be appropriate for your loved ones who live here with us. We know everyone is different in their interests, activities, and comfort level with electronics, so we asked around the different departments and got some wonderful ideas! These suggestions come from our staff members as well as from residents and should help you find just the right gift for your friend or family member.
Do you have any other gift ideas for a loved one that we haven’t mentioned above? Share your ideas with us!