Choosing to move your elderly loved one into an assisted senior living facility is a major decision that can have significant impacts on your lives. These impacts can be positive, though, when your loved one knows that they are moving to a welcoming place where it is safer for them to live independently. Cedar Hill Continuing Care Community offers this comfort to all families in the Windsor, Vermont area who are considering assisted senior living facilities for their older loved ones.
Cedar Hill’s team of wellness and medical professionals takes extensive measures to ensure that your loved one is safe and healthy without infringing upon their independence and privacy. A nutritious and tasty meal regimen, regular health screenings, in-house nurses, and more demonstrate how your elderly loved one’s health is always our top priority.
Emergencies are always frightening, but Cedar Hill’s 24-hour emergency call system enables our staff to respond swiftly. Every second is critical in these situations. Thankfully, our rapid response system can help you and your loved one feel better about where they live.
There’s safety in numbers, and this is no less true for Cedar Hill’s residents! While our residents are able to live freely at our assisted senior living facility, we always encourage social interaction. Activities like music events and the Quechee Balloon Festival not only keep our residents active and entertained, but they also allow our staff and your loved one’s friends to check in on their health and safety.
You can take comfort in the fact that your elderly loved one can transition to our advanced care facilities at any time! If your loved one’s health ever comes into question, they can get the specialized care they need at our other facilities, and then return back to their residence when they recover!
Living in an assisted care facility can be a safer option for your elderly loved one who still wants to retain their independence. If you have any questions about this process, check out our resources or contact Cedar Hill — Your Family Away From Home!
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