When you’re thinking about the safety and well-being of your elderly loved one, finding assisted living near Windsor, VT that meets your criteria is only one part of a successful transition. At Cedar Hill , our assisted living and nursing home staff know it’s possible for individuals moving into our facility to be a little uncomfortable with moving out of their own homes. If these feelings persist, it’s possible your loved one is experiencing relocation stress syndrome and needs a little extra care and reassurance. Learn more about this common condition and let Cedar Hill help you figure out next steps!
Relocation stress syndrome (RSS) can occur when an older individual moves from one environment they’re comfortable in — such as their own home — into one that is very unfamiliar, such as assisted living near Windsor, VT. Characterized by a lot of stress and anxiety, patients experiencing RSS may feel symptoms such as confusion, hopelessness, or loneliness, shortly after moving to a nursing care facility or during the actual moving process.
Due to the change in environment after moving forward with assisted living near Windsor, VT, it can result in several physical or psychological effects on an elderly individual. Cedar Hill’s staff understands how hard RSS can be on our residents and stress how important it is to take this condition very seriously. Should RSS not be identified, acknowledged, and minimized over time it can induce several negative consequences such as: withdrawing from social activities or hobbies, mental distress, increased depression and unhappiness, and even premature death.
At Cedar Hill assisted living near Windsor, VT, we know the first step when it comes to dealing with and preventing RSS is to recognize the risk factors that may be present in a family member. It’s possible for residents who have experienced prior traumatic events, are already experiencing acute stress, or who deal with chronic pain to be more susceptible to developing RSS.
If you’re a family member looking for ways to reduce the risk of your loved one experiencing this type of condition, our Cedar Hill assisted living near Windsor, VT recommends following a few critical steps. Involving your senior or elderly loved ones in the decision-making process of choosing where to live allows them to feel more involved and can make them feel more comfortable with their new home. It’s also important to listen to and know any concerns your loved one brings up, as well as to make their room in assisted living near Windsor, VT feel like their own home. In addition, you can help reduce the risk of RSS by getting friends and family members involved in the moving process .
At Cedar Hill assisted living near Windsor, VT, we know how stressful and difficult it can be for senior or elderly family members to move into a new space. It’s for this reason our staff takes the care and well-being of all our residents very seriously and provides numerous helpful resources for our clients and their loved ones. Reach out to us today with any questions and browse all our residential options!
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